Find out about the Wholesale Electricity Market

Do you know whether your company can participate in the MEM? Find out what it is and how it works in Mexico.

Basic MEM Concepts

  • Qualified User: It is an end user with a demand of at least 1 MW and that has registered as such with the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) in order to acquire its electricity supply through the services of a Qualified Supplier.
  • CENACE: It is the entity in charge of operating the MEM and verifying that the prices that generators offer are actually based on generation costs.
  • Generator: t is a participant that has power plants that generate more than 0.5 MW. They have the ability to sell their electricity and other Associated Products.
  • Basic Services Supplier: These are suppliers that bring electricity service to all users that do not participate in the MEM. Currently, the only BSS is the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE).
  • Qualified Services Supplier: It is a supplier of electric energy commercialization services, which purchases electricity in the Wholesale Electricity Market in order to provide services to Qualified Users.
  • Associated Products: These are products and services that allow the National Electric System to function correctly, i.e., that energy is generated and transmitted safely and efficiently, in addition to complying with sustainability requirements.

Enel Energía México MEM Course

We have prepared a program composed of 6 short videos. To access them and receive them by e-mail, we invite you to complete the registration form below.

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